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School Dashboard

Project build using Python-Django to help automate a business. PostgresSQL has been used as a database and hosted through the Heroku server.

View Repo View portal
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Python Projects

Build various python projects

Web scrapper, Mp3 player, School Database, MCQ test project

Modules used- Beautiful Soup, pygame, requests, MySQL, tkinter

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Computer Networking Project

Project based on socket programming client server model

Protocols used- TCP, SMTP, FTP

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Machine Learning Projects

Created using Linear Regression algorithm to predict the salary and to predict house prices in a particular city

Python modules used- Numpy, Matplotlib, Pandas, sklearn

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My Portfolio

Created a static website My portfolio

Technologies used- HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript

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Ardunio Buggy Project

Robot car that can follow a particular path

Components used- Arduino, IR and Ultrasonic sensors